Day 6 of Rewriting

Words written: Uncounted, all handwritten. Story direction redrafted, though.
Books read: Finished A Novel In A Year, now on to How To Write Science Fiction and Fantasy (and Second Best Husband)
Level of fail: Getting to the library at 20 past 9 and discovering it doesn’t open until 10. Getting into the library a bit after 10 and discovering that it doesn’t have public access to plug sockets. Getting in touch with my mum and discovering that she didn’t check her phone until she got home, so she won’t be able to pick me up for 3 hours.

We’ll call that ‘please can I go to bed and pretend I never left it?’

4 thoughts on “Day 6 of Rewriting

  1. Suggestion; count your successes instead of your fails. I see 5:

    1: Progress in rewriting achieved
    2: Story direction progress
    3: Book reading completion
    4: Acquaintance with library
    5: Parental comprehension

    Looking forward to hear what you think of How To Write Science Fiction and Fantasy as it’s on my shelf waiting to be read.

    • That’s a really good way of thinking about it. I tend to try to find the humour in everything, but the other night I was so tired I actually can’t remember writing this, which always makes me cranky.

      How to Write is really good, actually. I’ll try to do a proper review once I’ve done the same for the last couple I read. (I am so bad at doing that)

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