New Week, New Start

This is tasks 29 and 30 of Zero to Hero, and a good place to reboot my blogging after a low-activity week. Sadly not a duvet week, which I sort of needed, but a week when I was away from my computer far more than I’m used to these days.

Task 29 was to create an editorial calendar, which I have done. The weekly one goes something like:
Monday: What I’m working on.
Tuesday: Tuesday Tools
Wednesday: Writing Discussion
Thursday: Photo post
Friday: Link dump from the week
Saturday: Life and status update
Sunday: Something random.

Task 30 was to put together a plan for the next 30 days. What I’ve actually done is lay out what I want to write about up to the end of April, including the A to Z challenge. That took me a while. The problem is that now I have all that on paper, I completely failed to get around to actually doing it.

Must do better.

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